Friday, February 23, 2018

Week 6 Story: The Hermit's Curse

On a sunny day long ago, five nymphs lounged on the rocks of the river, combing their hair and laughing amongst themselves. They were strikingly beautiful, which was no secret to them. Each of the spirits knew of her beauty and used it to bend the wills of men and gods alike to their liking. The nymphs often found themselves in competition with one another, seeing who could lure a man to them the quickest using their beauty and skills of seduction. Each day was the same, passing the time enjoying the power they wielded due to their beauty.

On this particular day, a holy man was walking along the riverbank while reflecting on his decisions to abandon his life to chase after the will of the gods. He had given up much when he came to the forest, leaving his wife and children, a powerful position in the palace, and a house made of gold. However, all of this was worth it when he looked out at the creation of the gods and meditated on their blessing over his life. He wanted only to worship them and knew he needed nothing else from life.

From their rocks, the nymphs noticed the holy man wandering aimlessly and decided that he was the next target. They decided to first take a one-on-one approach and the most beautiful nymph of all, Harponi, walked gracefully towards the man while throwing her hair over her shoulders and casting a shy smile at him.

(Harponi ready to lure in the holy man; Image Source)

"O traveler, what brings you to this part of the river? I have been awaiting a man such as you to come and whisk me away from this lonely life, can't you grant my wish?" Harponi said all this with a glint in her eyes, confident that she would win the man's affection and cause him to stumble in his worship in choosing her over the gods.

Harponi was shocked when the man answered "I know what you are, nymph, begone from my presence! I have abandoned all to pursue the gods and a lowly nymph will not cause me to stumble!"

Harponi slunk back to her friends, downtrodden at her rejection. They decided to dance and lure the man to them later that night, when the stars twinkled in the reflection of the river. As the sun sank low below the horizon, they unfolded their plan, dancing to the river reed's harmonies while waiting for the lonely man to give way to his seductions.

Soon after, the man did indeed stumble out of his hut and walk towards the nymphs, who all began filling his ears with sweet whispers. He laughed at the nymph's attempts and proclaimed "You will never sway me from my purpose! Because you have provoked me with your wicked ways and tortured men with your beauteous glances, you will spend the coming years as man-eating crocodiles. Until a great Pandava prince defeats you, you will crawl as a beast."

The five nymphs instantly fell to the ground and became ghastly crocodiles, eating any man that dared enter their grounds as revenge for the wicked curse placed upon them.

(Harponi after being cursed, patrolling the waters 
for any sign of man; Image Source)

Arjuna and the Apsaras, from The Indian Heroes by C.A. Kincaid

Author's Note:
The original story takes place during Arjuna's exile. When he slays a crocodile and brings it to land, it transforms into a beautiful water nymph and tells the story of when she and her friends were cursed by a holy man. The nymphs were trying to make the man break his vows when he grows angry and turns them into crocodiles as punishment, declaring that they will only return to their true form when Arjuna drags them onto land. I thought it would be interesting to go back to the day this curse took place, looking at how the nymphs tried to seduce the man and how he reacted. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baylie! I love the descriptive and vivid imagery that you use to set up the scene. I was immediately drawn in and can imagine the scene perfectly from your description. I also like the dialogue that you added between the man and the nymph. I enjoyed the details between the characters too such as “Harponi said all this with a glint in her eyes…”


Tech Tip:

I've been using Canva tonight to make different graphics, but I thought I would try another site to see what my experience was like with...